
Hear It from Them

Rich has been deeply encouraged by the people he has met around the world, many of whom become long-time friends after hearing his inspiring message of joy in the workplace. Here are a few quotes from people who have heard Rich speak.

Richard Sheridan

Richard Sheridan can touch any audience. He’s much more than a businessperson: he’s a person who cares what experiences mean and what they teach us about ourselves. He has stories that get at the truth about the world of work, make it better, make the heart bigger, and make us stronger."

Tony Vlahos, Chief Storyteller, Head of Brand + Learning

- ExecuNet

Richard Sheridan
Hear It from Them

Rich’s message about joy was infectious

Steelcase regularly holds an event called ‘Curious Minds’ where we invite internal and external speakers to share thoughts and ideas with our employees. I was thrilled when Rich agreed to be one of our speakers. So was everyone else—we had such a big response that we had to quickly come up with a larger-than-normal venue for his talk. When I talked to people about it afterward, they all had huge smiles. Clearly Rich’s message about joy was infectious. And his delivery was incredible."

Robert Krestakos, Vice President, Global Operations

– Steelcase

An awesome keynote

Rich delivered an awesome keynote; one of the best I heard so far. Rich inspired me to close Agile Amsterdam with the message that we should scale up 'Joy' in the context of Menlo Innovations."

Nils Oud, Agilist

– Incrementor Europe

You seriously inspired me

You seriously inspired me to keep working for positive change in my workplace and my life through the encouraging examples shared from yours!"

Trevor Berman, Digital Marketing Production Specialist

– Fiskars Brands, Inc.

A productive conversation

Rich participated in a fireside chat with me, where he spoke to more than 200 of CMS Energy’s leaders. Rich was a crowd favorite and left us all feeling inspired and eager to act on his positive ideas. He discussed what it means to be joyful, how he created a joyful culture at Menlo, and how we too might use his practices to bring joy into our workplace. The next day, we had our own discussion about culture, and his fireside chat set us up for a productive conversation."

Patricia Poppe, CEO

– CMS Energy

Inspire you to think differently

New ideas or philosophies aren’t worth a whole lot until they’re successfully put into action. By integrating his thoughts on the intentionally joyful workplace at his own company, Richard Sheridan has developed a model that business leaders would be wise to follow. So many people can identify with the stress and frustration that Rich felt in the first half of his career. But as he speaks about bringing joy to the work environment, you won’t be able to help but feel how his attitude and approach can transform your team or even your entire company. Rich’s stories about pairing, hiring and even promoting employees will inspire you to think differently about your operation and your potential for creating a positive space that smart, talented people flock to."

Scott Gregory, Chief Creative Officer

– Madison Avenue Marketing Group

Thought-provoking ideas

Rich’s core message about culture transcends industries because it’s about focusing on what brings energy, fulfillment, and effectiveness to people. Rich had our whole audience engaged and feverishly taking notes. Rich’s genuine and down-to-earth personality, paired with replicable but thought-provoking ideas, really resonated with attendees."

Bill Gesaman, Strategic Growth Officer

– Michigan Nonprofit Association

Constant "intentional" design

I listened to Rich tell a story about how we as human beings should try to bring joy to our workplace. This is fundamental to achieve any greater business outcome. He explains the true meaning of the "business value of joy" through the Menlo story..."

Kamal Manglani, Agile Coach

– Fortune 500 Companies

Re-energize your team

Rich was just what we needed to kick off the school year for Pontiac Schools. Rich was able to help us connect his story of Menlo labs with our rebirth in Pontiac. Much like Rich and Menlo, we “run the experiment” to provide the best opportunities for our students and staff. If you are looking for some Joy in your work or that spark to re-energize your team, invite Rich to your next organizational meeting."

Jeff Mozdzierz, Technology Director - Field Services

– Oakland Schools

Creating strong organizational culture

Rich’s inspirational presentation highlighted the key ingredients for bringing out the best in people and creating strong organizational culture. Leaders who use storytelling and focus on purpose, transparency, and humility, and who show gratitude and optimism, will inevitably create a loyal and productive following. Everything else will take care of itself."

Michael Zingsheim, Office of Performance and Transformation

– Good Government

Clear, insightful, inspiring, and entertaining

I’ve heard hundreds of excellent speakers in my career. Richard Sheridan ranks among the very best. Clear, insightful, inspiring, and entertaining."

Robert Pasick PhD, Psychologist and Executive Coach

Can touch any audience

Richard Sheridan can touch any audience. He’s much more than a businessperson: he’s a person who cares what experiences mean and what they teach us about ourselves. He has stories that get at the truth about the world of work, make it better, make the heart bigger, and make us stronger."

Tony Vlahos, Chief Storyteller, Head of Brand + Learning

– ExecuNet


In Good Company

Here are some of the organizations Rich has reached with his powerful message of joy in the workplace.

Richard Sheridan

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